Friday, July 31, 2009


Tomorrow, the party will held
I am going to perform a dance with the other 19 dancer.
Waltz, the dance we just practice for 2 days, and we are performing it 2mr...=.=

just now we just stay back at school to practice,from 2.30pm till 6.00pm, i miss my lunch and my stomach pain-pain....555555.....

BUT i will ganbate!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009




Sunday, July 19, 2009


风儿轻拂我的脸, 举起我的发丝,黑眼瞳中只映出这片让我如痴如醉的新绿田园。看着稻草儿的一撇一弯,不禁让我嘴角弧起。这片田被家乡的路衬托着,在嫣红夕阳的熏染下,更让人陶醉。

Saturday, July 18, 2009

做咖吨Jogathon last, the school jogathon(marathon) had ended....
it is just only 10:18pm and i am already so sleepy...

this year jogathon is quite different, it is not that boring as last year's.
I've talk a lot with a friend when I am on duty with she. OK! I am not going to be "steamed" anymore!! GENKI-DAYO!!!

and more....
I had talked to an old friend again...nope! not only AN
quite glad...


Monday, July 13, 2009

Yay! sushi to onigiri!

YayYay! I made a sushi, although it is just tuna sushi, quite happy!
I made Onigiri too!the size are chubby and small,like me! haha
Well, I have small hands, so my onigiri are small too!( my palm width are about 6cm(2.5 inches) only....)
and thanks to my cousin---Ni, for teaching me the way of rolling sushi!

this are my sushi! it is the dinner for me,my mom and my niece...

My failure dish...

yesterday I did onigiri but it was a failure....because of the rice
It seems that the rice of our country are different from the rice of Japan
the rice can't stick together...

haiz....later i learn the way of adding rice vinegar into the rice after it is cooked
Luckily I have a cousin who is supeeeeer good in culinary!

next time i am going to make sushi!!!

hmmm...i seem to be love cooking huh?
OK! I'll cook my favourite dish(curry chicken) too!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Turning with Juuni Kokki's OST

the anime i watched--Juuni Kokki( twelve kingdom), ananime based on a novel. I watched it at twelve once, but attracted to it great story, I watched it again these few days, I am now bigger, have another view of this anime and the story and the message in this anime, Learned a lot. a very good anime.

This anime have great soundtrack. Mostly Chinese orchestra,and some of them are a perfect combination of western music instrument and eastern music instrument.

My favourite song in twelve kingdom is Shihouka 思芳歌.

more at

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Waiting for my Meiji....

Meiji second favourite chocolate!!
currently waiting my sister who is coming home from Kuala Lumpur...who is taking the Meiji Chocolate!!
It is hard to find Meiji chocolate in Penang, I've heard that there are a shop which selling Japanese stuff at Gurney.

But due to my tight schedule(I am a busy one ...haha), and I have no vehicle to take me to the other side of the Penang Island, and my father are sooooo worried when his little daughter go shopping, So i haven't go to Gurney for long long looooong time......pity huh?

Last month, when i went to Kuala Lumpur to visit my sister, I went to Sunway pyramid and went to a shop selling Japanese stuff. I bought Mow ice-cream and Meiji chocolate bar, hmmm...both are tasty!

I love Japanese food, especially sushi and oyakodon. I love to eat takoyaki too! haha!Occha is good too!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

ブザービット 崖っぷちのヘロー

Yamapi's new drama--Buzzer Beat Gakeppuchi no Hero!!

It is coming out at 13th of July!!!
Very looking forward to it!!

Excited!! Kyaaaa~~(haha)